Thursday, October 2, 2008

What's My Problem with Barack Hussein Obama

Why don't I like Barack Hussein Obama well there are so many reasons: anti self protection, anti domestic energy, anti capitalist, anti free choice, pro big government, pro tax, pro infanticide.....

A recent chain of mean spirited gaffs just pisses me off. It starts with Obama making a comment that we don't need a president that does not know how to use a computer. Excuse me, that was very callused and cruel thing to say because it is not that McCain does not know how to use a computer it is that his Prison Camp injuries have rendered him incapable of using a keyboard. Placing our arms in front of us on a keyboard is something so simple most people take it for granted but McCain is simply not able to do it.

As if this idiotic statement were not enough then the Obama campaign suggests that McCain's stay in the Hanoi Hilton was not that bad in fact his captors took great care of him. Well the Obama worshiping blatantly Liberally biased media herd this loud and clear and is now calling for McCain's captors to come forward and verify the torture inflicted upon him. My hell who the f*** do they think they are all they have to do is talk to his physicians and the VA and they will verify the multiple fractures and injuries that rendered irreparable damage to his body. If you can't tell I'm pissed, I used to think Obama was an interesting guy (not interesting enough to vote for him) but now I just think he is an ASS!