Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Be Careful You just May Be an Extremist or Even a Terrorist

Among the gaggle of tax cheats, liars, and all-around despicable people appointed as tsars and other government positions under this administration we now have another. Erroll Southers has been appointed over the TSA this is the administration that is supposed to keep things like flying safe for us. This is the same administration that can’t figure out what a terrorist looks like so they keep terrorizing the elderly young children with additional security screening for our “Safety” so what wrong with Southers well nothing if you think the direction the TSA is going is fine because he will just continue more of the same. Why don’t I just let his own words condemn himself:

"Most of the domestic groups that we have to pay attention to here are white supremacist groups. They're anti-government, in most cases anti-abortion. They
are usually survivalist type in nature, Identity oriented. If you recall, Buford
Furrow came to Los Angeles in -- I believe it was 1999 when he went to three
different Jewish institutions, museums, and then wound up shooting people at a
children's community center, then shooting a Filipino postal worker later on.
Matthew Hale, who's the Pontifex Maximus of the World Church of the Creator out
of Illinois, and Ben Smith, who went on a shooting spree in three different
cities where he killed a number of African-Americans and Jews and Asians that
day. Those groups are groups that claim to be extremely anti-government and
Christian Identity-oriented."

I have several issues with this but the larger is that he makes no mention of
radical Islamic groups and in so doing implies through omission that they are
not worth focusing on and that the groups mentioned are the primary focus. This
is an issue for me because the largest, most graphic, deliberate act of
terrorism made upon this country was perpetrated by none other than a radical
Islamic group* (Def.~ Group = 4 individuals per plane on multiple planes).

Another issue is the fact that he apparently does not know the simple definition of the word “Group” the men who attacked this country on 9/11 were in fact an organized group who had planned and schemed their attack for years prior to its execution. But to Southers a group apparently requires no more than a single individual because his examples were acts perpetrated by single individuals whom he named. If however he actually does know the definition of the word group who does he imply is included in that group that these individuals exemplify? Well I may be crazy but I would look to what he said and his words are “survivalist type”, “Identity oriented”, “in most cases anti-abortion” in other words anybody who does not agree with his president’s liberal socialist agenda.

So once again instead of protecting the citizens from harm that comes from real evils, and true radicals the focus is turned inward and this administration is furthering/continuing the practice of watching the citizens to keep them safe from themselves or from dangers fabricated simply to keep people panicked and feeling the need to be protected from themselves by an ever more intrusive big government.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

2 Days @ the Shooting Range

I spent two days at the range: had one really disappointing day and one that started-out disappointing but ended up alright. All shots were done with a .308 at 100yd on a standard 100yd targets.

Day one, target one.
The pattern is Awful but it's a new gun and a new scope so I figured the barrel needed broken in and the scope sited.

Day one, target two

Still can’t get it sighted, a new barrel should not be this bad. There's got to be a serious problem with the gun, the scope or me.

Day two, Target one
I returned to the range thinking the gun or the scope may have to be returned on warranty, but it turned out it was the ammo. The holes circled and numbered are the last three I shot at this target, I changed ammo to shoot these three. I was aiming at the hole with the arrow pointing at it. After shooting these three I adjusted windage and elevation.

Day two, Target Two
These were all shot in the order they are numbered. 1-4 were done making slight windage & elevation adjustments between them. By 7 & 8 I was running out of time and got into too much of a hurry and was not controlling my breathing or anything. Shot 9 I slowed down and made it count, with a little more time I may have been able to get closer, but at least I figured out it was not the gun, the scope or the shooter. I knew ammo can make a difference but I did not realize it could be that bad.

Monday, February 9, 2009

BO and BS

Wow I'm trying to figure out weather BO would be a good care sales man or not. He sure tried to make a load of Bull Shit sound like caviar tonight. To stand there and try to make me believe there's no pork in it... it's nothing but pork. The more we find out about it the less it looks like a "Stimulus Package". Look it over it is nothing more than a payoff to the special interest groups who put lipstick on this stinky pig and got him elected. Any of it that does actually create a job only creates short term jobs. The problem is when he tries to make something as bad as this "Stimulus Package" sound good he only smells worse.