Monday, December 1, 2008

New reality of Terorism

It used to be the term terrorist brought to mind some thug with and AK and a bomb attached to a vest. This picture no longer represents the modern terrorist this is an antiquated vision the AK represents a by gone era of war fair and the vest a suggestion that at the wearer will die even if no one else does. This picture implies one person who usually with out any plans simply tries to make his way in to a populated area for greater casualties and has had little more planning than this. Terrorism is no longer this simple and as such we can no longer expect to be able to sit our selves in a glass house, shut our eyes and pretend people do not exist out side who are watching us and planning our demise. What I'm I talking about am I just some paranoid freak? Well maybe but the happenings in Mumbai over the thanksgiving weekend illustrates to us what terrorism is becoming, its sophisticated, its well planed out, it is calculated, it is trained, it is timed, it is well funded and they are getting better. We cannot simply hide from it any more this evil has to be sought out and killed or it will come and kill us. Doubt me, I bet vacationers and residents of Mumbia doubted this fact and learned just how intolerant and desperate terrorists are to SEEK out people who are different from them and kill them. It is a hard lesson to learn some refuse to learn it til there dying breath.

Think I'm exaggerating judge for yourself read of the Mumbai attack and seriously tell me this was not well planed, funded and a deliberate effort to find, kill and victimise with no remorse.

"The Mumbai attack is uniquely different from past terror strikes carried out by Islamic terrorists. Instead of one or more bombings at distinct sites, the Mumbai attackers struck throughout the city using military tactics. Instead of one or more bombings carried out over a short period of time, Mumbai is entering its third day of crisis."

Read the entire account here