So on Friday the media blackout on the John Edwards affair has ended but this was not in an effort to appear fair balanced it was simply that they were forced to when he admitted to it. Surprisingly the Enquirer had it right when they broke this news four years ago and the liberally biased network media has been making a good effort to ignore, even cover it up ever since. John says this won’t hurt him though and it is obvious it won’t they have no moral values immoral act only hurt people who claim to have values and morals. Look at a just a couple of his pears senator Kennedy got away with murder. Clinton “did not have sex with that woman” in the oval office and now has the gall to lecture Africa on monogamy and the media just swoons.
Now I’d just like to know what it is going to take to end the media blackout on the republican contingent that stayed in session and challenged the Dem’s to do the same until they can come up with some real energy solutions and put them to a vote. It’s been over a week now and I have not seen a thing about it on the tube I have to go to the radio and the web to find out anything about it. By the way you can only find real unbiased news on the radio these days. It is interesting to note that even though the republicans are remaining in Washington to debate energy Pelosi had the CSPAN cameras turned off, my question is what’s she afraid of? Maybe that the fog will lift from the brain washed masses eyes and they will see that the Dem’s are absent from one of the hottest topics. Or is she afraid people will see just how much the Dem’ care about the average Joe who can hardly afford to put gas in his car to get to work.
THE OPPOSITE of conservative...
11 months ago
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