I have to say something; I will not divulge any of the details that elicited these feelings because they were told to me in confidence.
I hate racism! I hate racism! I hate racism!!!
I try really hard not to ever have feelings of hatred towards anyone, I may really hate the way a person acts or what he/she does but I truly try to not to hate the person. But racism sometimes just makes me furious… I have trouble coming up with the correct words to accurately describe my feelings. We’re all human beings we're all created by the same God and have the same value in his eyes. And if you don’t believe in a god then we’re all just meat sacks and we're all going to become fertilizer when we die none more valuable than the other. I’m not going to recite the cultural diversity of my friends I have no need to justify myself I don’t judge people on things such as skin color, language or nationality.
One of the most disappointing things to me is to find out that someone I know is racist and when I hear of someone I know being treated poorly based on nothing more than race it is hard to describe the feelings I have.
It is OK to disagree with people philosophically, politically, morally or even religiously these are honest, reasonable and perhaps even intelligent reasons to disagree with or even separate yourself from another person or social group. But when a kind sincere person approaches another in friendship and is turned away simply because of a difference in race that is inexcusable.
I can’t even begin to discuss race based violence, I can’t compose the words.
THE OPPOSITE of conservative...
11 months ago
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